Monday, February 20, 2012

YouTube Video: Elizabeth Gilbert, Author of "Eat, Pray, Love"

I found this video incredibly moving and inspiring.  I think it is important for any writer to watch this video and really soak in what she is saying - what she is trying to get us to understand.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

1 comment:

  1. I picked this YouTube video because after listening to Ms Gilbert speak I was inspired to keep writing. I wanted to write more. I am always afraid that I can never live up to the potential of what is there, the specter of what I could be.

    She wrote this amazing book, which turned into a fantastic movie, and she straight out tells the audience that she could have easily sunk into her shell and never come out because in the words of so many that asked her "how could she ever top Eat, Pray, Love?"

    Her response was that she was not writing to top it she was writing because it was who she is and what she feels in her soul. So even if she was afraid that the best she would ever do was behind her she would still continue writing.

    And sometimes that is exactly the thing we must do.
